“Who is HCEA?”
HCEA is your Professional Association. We are committed to helping you provide a quality education for every student. We work to increase your salaries and benefits and make sure you have materials, supplies, training and professional development, time to prepare and time to teach, an opportunity to contribute your ideas, and the respect you deserve as a professional. Your membership packet explains the benefits you have through membership in HCEA.
HCEA is Your Union. Through collective bargaining we stand together to address the issues that matter most to us. Only HCEA members have input into negotiations. Because of HCEA, you have higher salaries, better benefits, defined rights and professional staff to assure that your rights are respected.
HCEA is Your Voice. HCEA is your legal representative in collective bargaining and dispute resolution. HCEA represents you before the Board of Education, on Board committees and with parent and community groups. HCEA works with the community and elected officials to make sure our schools have the funding they need. At the state and national level, the 67,000 member Maryland State Education Association (MSEA) and the 3 million member National Education Association (NEA) are the strongest voices for public education and education employees.